Hmmm... Let's see. It seems to be raining. Yep, no doubt. It's raining. No, make that pouring. Coming down pretty hard actually. Cats and dogs, really, who's kidding who? Come to think of it, it was doing the same thing yesterday. In fact, it has been raining for so long now, I can't really recall when it actually started! My memory has blended the past two months into one single blue-grey, blurry, nebulous element. Where is the street? The people? I think I see something moving but I can't be sure! Is anyone out there in the abyss? Okay, calm down. I was thinking to myself "this is normal" I am just 'getting my gills back.' The Los Angelino azure is still lingering smoggily in my consciousness. But, no, time for reassessment. It is wet. It is really frickin' wet. And blowing a gale. And dark. Nocturnal, northern, damned dark, and saturated. Stinking humid. Saturated. Did I already say that? Okay. It is seriously wet out there people. Everything is one gigantic sponge wet. Robyn Hitchcock singing "the rain falls... Up from the ground!" wet. The Pacific Ocean attempting to transfer itself to dry land wet. Wrap yourself in a kilt to survive wet. Bloody Orks of Mordour arriving to the bloody gates of Helms Deep wet!

But wait! Lo! What is that glimmering golden orb on the horizon? A streak of light emanating from the beyond? Has the end finally come? Are we all to be ushered off the to the Land of Beulah? No, not yet at least. It is just the sun.
I already miss the rain...