At the suggestion of Vancouver real estate mogul Mike "Coach" Pearce, I decided to check out a town house development on the off chance that I might amidst the insanity known only as "the Vancouver real estate market" be able to afford to own reasonable housing. The next thing I know I am locked in a bidding war with lesbian parents of a new born. Is that possible? In East Vancouver it is! And that's why I love it! To make a long story short a strange set of circumstances lead to Meg and I deciding to place an offer on a 1200 square foot town house just off of Commercial Drive in East Vancouver. The first thing was that while shopping at the best independant grocer in Vancouver, Famous Foods on Kingsway and King Edward, I received a call from Coach Pearce encouraging me to check out a housing development just around the corner called
"The Brix." As I made my way over there I ran into Victor and Julia from our birthing seminar, who as luck would have it live in the development! Not to mention that "Ms. Griffin" Meg's teaching partner Heather from Stratford Hall School also lives in the building. "Fate! It must be fate!" I told myself. Intelligent folks you know all chosing the same development? Must be... So we took a look with the assistance of Lynne Dequanne, Meg's aunt who is a dynamite real estate agent and loved the place except for... dum, dum, dum... for the small living room! After much humming and hawing we decided to elicit the help of Coach Pearce and his lovely wife Christine who came to "review the property" and who were very enthusiastic and gave up the proverbial "thumbs up!" So we went ahead with an offer and a day later we're home owners!

Having lived not far from this location for a number of years in the past, I knew I would love it. It is a true "up and coming" area of the city. But, what I didn't truly realise was
just how much was going on in the area and the pace of development. Things are really ripping along in East Vancouver these days. Within eye-sight of our new home there are four other townhome developments in the works. It is crazy out there! I am really looking forward to seeing Mateo ripping about John Hendry Park (Trout Lake) and having Commercial Drive's diverse community within walking distance from my front door!