Click here to see the specs on my stupid new fancy television. For whatever reason I have never spent any money on a television. This is literally the first one when the price tag raised my eyebrows. I know, I know... Crazy to imagine in my profession that I wouldn't put any value in one. I used to spend (still do really) so much time at the studio and I guess I always preferred the cinema to home viewing. For the longest time I had a crap 17" JVC television was literally a "hand-me-down" from my folks. No kidding. Early on when I started work, everyone else was blowing all kinds all kinds of cash on huge projection televisions I had my little 17" crapper... Seems ridiculous now, but hey did I suffer? Not really, I just saw a lot movies in the theatre. Meg and I got rid of that one when we started globe trotting. When we got set up in Los Angeles we bought a 21" Toshiba CRT that's been a nice old school set. But, now that we are "settled" in our new place, spending lots of time "en casa" with Mateo and winter on its way, well I thought it was about time to get a "proper television" to watch movies on cold and rainy winter nights at home. So there it is. I am officially condemned as one of those "home theatre guys." I am gonna have to pay someone sit in front of me, chew loudly, and repeat lines from the film for me... Or else it just won't be the same.