Here's the "birth story." Meg was blessed with a freight train of a labour which began at about 7am, when her waters broke and she immediately went into labour with strong contractions about 3-5 minutes apart. We were into Saint Paul's Hospital by about 8:15am after picking up Meg's mother who we had invited to be along for the ride. By 10am she was already 4cm dilated, and continued with good strong steady rhythm until about noon when she was 8.5 cm. By this time she had spent about half the labour walking, standing the latter half in a nice deep tub which helped immensely. Holding her hand while she experienced the contractions in the tub will be something I will always remember to draw encouragement from when times are tough. She was truly inspirational to me. The midwives then began to try to slow her down a bit, so that the last bit of dilation would go as planned, but before we knew it she was beingtransferredd to the bed so that she could begin to push little Mateo into the world. And what a job she did! I have never witnessed my Megcita be so courageous, without reservation or fear, and full of shear focus as I did on that bed. She literally willed Mateo into the world in 18 minutes! I was full of tears as his head emerged, and before I knew it he was there with us, plopped out onto Meg's chest and we were suddenly three!
Thus far the little big guy has been nothing but a pleasure. I think he thinks he is on holiday or something!? He sleeps and eats happily and he and Mom and I are spending days at home together getting to know each other. As strange as it may seem, now that he is here, I simply can't imagine what we did without him?
Congratulation to both of you.
Big Kisses and I wish you all the best.
Congratulations to both of you as you have been blessed with little big Mateo. I came into tears reading your post...
Kisses from London
Erica Hradec
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