When I saw that RES Magazine had finally placed Neill Blomkamp on their "Top Ten Up and Coming" list of graphics artists/directors sometime last year I knew that eventually the chap would break out of the local scene in a major way. Well, directing "Halo" ought to qualify! The news indeed traveled fast around the Vancouver visual effects and post-production scene that Neill had been awarded the directing gig on one of the most hotly awaited films in years (due to the massive success of the video game title). But really, the boy has been on his way for some time now - no surprise given his solo efforts and his more than accomplished professional work for The Embassy Visual Effects. I remember hearing about how he had started his career at Rainmaker VFX right out of high school basically and has been a "natural" with 3D computer graphics from the start. This lead to much accomplished work and word that Neill was a "one-man studio" forging whole projects single-handedly. The fact that very early on he showed a penchant for total project involvement, design and directing, etc. Makes it come as no surprise that he was selected by Peter Jackson (Executive Producer of "Halo") as the perfect new face to embrace this hugely popular title (not to mention the fact that his own work really could be seen as one long extended pitch for this role). As with all films that originate in a video game concept this one has its fair share of nay-sayers already - like this idiot. Why is it that guys like this insist on pissing all over something that they have no idea about. What a moron! I can see it now... "Halo" comes out in 2008 and this jackass will be all over it and saying "Neill Blomkamp is the best thing since sliced bread." Ridiculous - make something, anything, as good as Neill has - then talk the talk. Cudos to Mr. Blomkamp... All the visual effects hounds in Vancouver are watching as one of their own moves on to the true "big time." Now, if it wasn't all being done at WETA...
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