Check this craziness out. A truly stunning project. Thanks to Rita Kunzler for passing along this link! Here's the blurb from creator Greg Downing:
After a few years of work I have finally posted some of the gigapixel photography that I have been creating with my business partner and buddy Eric Hanson and I thought it would be a good time to let my friends and colleagues know about it. I used a pan and tilt technique with a motion control head to assemble 350 16 mega pixel images into a single 3.8gigapixel 360 degree spherical panorama of Yosemite as well as some other locations. I then took the image and split it up into over 100,000 256x256 jpg tiles and used the google maps api to point at my tiles instead of googles map tiles. Now anyone can navigate them. Each time you reload the home page you will find one of 5 of our gigapixel images, and more are coming in the next few weeks. One of the photos is taken from the same spot that Ansel Adams shot "Monolith, the Face of Half Dome" on a spot called "the diving board". From this one spot you can see 9 waterfalls, hikers in the valley below, big and little Yosemite valleys and even a rock climber on the face of half dome almost a mile away. There are 7 other images of this resolution on the site and some interesting movies of time-lapse w/ DEM integration that is interesting too.
This is our second attempt at a launch, the first one was last week. Within a few hours of posting it on a few visual effects studios internal mailing lists the response was like an avalanche. We were serving 22 gigabytes an hour and we were using our entire ISPs bandwidth, they basically kicked us off since they could not serve their other customers. We have since found an ISP with a dedicated connection with 60 times the bandwidth and are on our own dedicated server, so we should be up to the task this time around!
I am trying to get the word out about this website, so if you are a digg.comuser or have a blog please click on the digg link from the homepage and add some comments or blog about it if you think it's cool and tell your friends.
After a few years of work I have finally posted some of the gigapixel photography that I have been creating with my business partner and buddy Eric Hanson and I thought it would be a good time to let my friends and colleagues know about it. I used a pan and tilt technique with a motion control head to assemble 350 16 mega pixel images into a single 3.8gigapixel 360 degree spherical panorama of Yosemite as well as some other locations. I then took the image and split it up into over 100,000 256x256 jpg tiles and used the google maps api to point at my tiles instead of googles map tiles. Now anyone can navigate them. Each time you reload the home page you will find one of 5 of our gigapixel images, and more are coming in the next few weeks. One of the photos is taken from the same spot that Ansel Adams shot "Monolith, the Face of Half Dome" on a spot called "the diving board". From this one spot you can see 9 waterfalls, hikers in the valley below, big and little Yosemite valleys and even a rock climber on the face of half dome almost a mile away. There are 7 other images of this resolution on the site and some interesting movies of time-lapse w/ DEM integration that is interesting too.
This is our second attempt at a launch, the first one was last week. Within a few hours of posting it on a few visual effects studios internal mailing lists the response was like an avalanche. We were serving 22 gigabytes an hour and we were using our entire ISPs bandwidth, they basically kicked us off since they could not serve their other customers. We have since found an ISP with a dedicated connection with 60 times the bandwidth and are on our own dedicated server, so we should be up to the task this time around!
I am trying to get the word out about this website, so if you are a digg.comuser or have a blog please click on the digg link from the homepage and add some comments or blog about it if you think it's cool and tell your friends.