Why is it that a simple thing like a day off from the studio and a midday skate-ski with my buddy Mike can enfuse me with such a childish sense of joy? Wait a minute... I said "day off" and "midday ski" in the same sentence... Now I get it! Or was it the café carajillo?

The view of Howe Sound from the Cypress Mountain ski area on a pretty winter's day. The rare combination of opportunity and access to the ever changing outdoors that is so representative of Vancouver. Hard to believe that this view is only 45 minutes from most parts of the city. Ah, bliss... Experiencing a vista like this is a huge part of the soupy mix of multiculturalism, liberal attitudes, modernity and optimism that makes up my perspective on Vancouver as a place. A place of a great unknown future that ultimately breeds engaging and interesting people of all walks of life. Can you tell I am all goofy happy from the ski? You knew it!!!
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