Vive le Quebec Libre!!! If you have that moment sometime soon as I know you will... When you ponder endlessly the lack of great Quebecois films you've seen lately... Uh, yeah... Well fret no longer! For the great Monsieur Jean-Marc Vallée has given us
this masterpiece of film. C.R.A.Z.Y. is an endearing story of growing up in Canada's much maligned Belle Provence during the 1960's and 70's and oh, let's not forget...Beingg gay. Small detail really as it only provides the context for what are some tremendous and personal performances by the entire cast. What I love about this film is that it feels delightfully Canadian
without actually trying to be Canadian. It has such rich, authentic and well chosen details the sum total of which create a beautiful fabric that is immensely watchable. Allez-vous!
1 comment:
Great movie indeed. I saw this one at the VIFF with the director in attendance.
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