Monday, September 17, 2007

Walshman Takes On Morning Traffic & Wins!


Walshman Sustains Pre-G.W. Injuries, Survives!

Vancouver, B.C.

In a dramatic incident not unlike the 2005 Yan Ulrich pre-Tour training crash, it was confirmed today that local Vangroovey Clydesdale Class road cycling champion "The Walshman" sustained non-life threatening injuries during a routine training lap of the city's storied
Stanley Park.

Having jostled with morning commuter traffic through the rain-slicked historic Gastown neighbourhood, The Walshman was preparing to "hit the jets" and fly onto the Georgia St. viaduct when he was abruptly brought to a metal twisting halt by a 2005
Toyota Corolla. Stunned on-lookers watched as The Walshman's 230 lb frame crumpled the feeble import in an impressive display of athletic violence.

Although The Walshman felt he had extolled "sufficient vehicular damage" in retribution for having been cut off by an indecisive intersection foible, the incident does not come without its costs. "I was feeling primed for a top performance at this year's Gentleman's Weekend Ball Hockey Bruiser Blowout" claimed a blood soaked Walshman as he waited for paramedics to remove glass from his forearm on the picturesque downtown sidewalk, "now my hopes are dashed. I don't know what to say, I feel like I let me line-mates down."

When hearing the news, an admittedly dejected Coach Pearce, who this year had spent much personal time priming "The Clydesdale Cannon" as he is known in roadie circles remarked, "The Walshman was building towards this moment for several seasons, he was in top condition, I've never seen him so potently athletic."

The Walshman has vowed to push on at this year's Gentleman's Weekend. recalling the heroics of The Legend of the Red during past Ball Hockey Bruiser Blowout Championships. "The Legend was an inspiration as he hobbled about the rink" said a reflective Walshman while he lay on the doctor's table being stitched, "I only hope that I can live up to his tremendous geriatric athleticism."

Security video camera footage to follow.


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