Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Economist Surveys

Click here to access free, downloadable, past surveys in .pdf form from The Economist. These are a great general resource on an amazing range of topics and often the most illuminating part of this weekly, literate, balanced and considered publication focus on world events. "Economy of thought" in the broadest sense.


[The User] said...

Okay, I won't fight you on the weekly part and I'll give you literate but balanced; I'm not so sure. It's a fine rag for the moneyed classes and potent booster of the mega-corporate status quo. I think we need to question all the basic assumptions this magazines foundations are built on. This might be a good place to start:


The Walshman said...

Well, although you may be right in that The Economist has always been on the side of "liberalising trade barriers" but always in the context of ultimate goal of economic paredy for all. Of course, this is a theoretical arguement and a lot of the time their positions support the status quo whether they intend to or not. But, they are critical broadly and do not support obviously detrimental positions. That is, unless you consider capitalism detremental, period. And then we can't really continue on this line of thinking. Let's not forget as well that The Economist looks at the Arts, Politics, Science and Tech, etc. It is often misconstrued as a "business magazine" which is clearly only a part of what it covers.