Yesterday, as has been customary for me recently, I used a portion of my one day off from work per week to go for some exercise. This meant a jog in Regents Park. Just north of central London, Regents Park houses the London Zoo, and nearly the only natural elevation inside the city borders, Primrose Hill. So, I usually jog up there and run through the park to the top of the hill for a quick view before retracing my steps. It can be really pretty, as it was full of lovely flower beds and colour this summer, or like yesterday when the "atmospherics of the London fog" played with the light in such a way as to delineate objects and foliage into a patch work, kind of like a card board cut out animation. I was wishing I had my camera throughout my jog. I guess I will have to plan to walk up there in the morning before work or something. I always seem to see something or someone interesting there. As I entered the park, and stopped to stretch out a bit, I saw this middle aged woman and a younger man with a dog sitting on a bench. The dog was a great little boxer who was having a blast with a ball. It wasn't long before I realised that they were drinking. I was thinking to myself, when was the last time I saw a couple of "regular enough people" getting smashed at 11 o'clock in the morning in a park in Vancouver? Uh, yeah...
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