Friday, April 15, 2005

The Birthday Pie!

Yesterday I became "closer to 40 than 30." Yep, I crossed the 35 year threshold. I have firmly shut the door on "youth" and moved headlong into "the middle years." This birthday definately feels like a door is closing on a chapter. I am officially outside of the key fashion/sales/marketing demographic of 25-35 years of age. No longer a trend setter, etc. What will the world do without Donnie Walsho leading the charge? I am sure that the "Echo" kids will pick up the torch...

I woke up early to get on the bike and start the day off on the right note. A lovely little 90:00 minute jaunt taking in Santa Monica's beach front, and few of the "posh hills" as I have been calling them, and then a spin down to Marina Del Rey and back to the flat. Little did I know I would find my beautiful wife serving up a special turkey and chipotle chile spiced sausage breakfast on my return! Some toast and eggs, and diced cantalope on the side as well. Que fantastico! I definately had a spring in my step as I headed off to work.

When I arrived home after work I was greeted by a couple of big "Happy Birthday" signs and a beautiful sausage pasta dinner. What's more there was a magnificent blueberry birthday pie as well! Cojonudo hombre! "What great fortune do I have today!" I thought, gawdzukes! Sausage for breakfast and dinner with pie for desert! And in the immortal words of J.C. "Jack" Walkey "I think it was the best goddamned pie I have ever had!" Meggi presented me with a great little book about riding in the area around San Luis Obispo north of Los Angeles, and tickets for us to take in a couple of key shows at The Malibu Film Festival. The Aero theatre on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica was the spot and proved to be a great old refurbished independant cinema. There is kind of a "Cambie Street-esque" strip on Montana with a lot of posh shops. We saw Mad Hot Ballroom a documentary film about the New York Public School system's attempt to teach 10 and 11 year olds the finer points of dance and a short program that included an outstanding, offbeat, animated short from Disney called Lorenzo. When you see work like that from Disney Animation it is a wonder why they produce the dreck they do so often! Amazing! This film is what animation is all about, man. Accomplishing things that live action could never accomplish and in a style you've never imagined. Really impressive.

I feel great today. I love my wife, I love my family, I love my friends, I love my career, and I am as passionate or more passionate about these things as I have ever been. Life is good, and the glass is more than half full. Thanks to everyone who took the personal time and effort to recognise my birthday! Muchisimas gracias, un abrazo tan fuerte a todos!


[The User] said...

Shawn, what's that place on Main St. where you recommended buying sausages?

happyd said...

happy birthday!! another aries baby :) i am too!
