Thursday, September 08, 2005

For some inexplicable reason...

You ever have one of those mornings where in your semi-awake, not quite sufficiently caffeinated, cerebral haze a thought just sort of floats through... And it is gone!? Well, this morning, I snagged it on the way past! The thought was "I wonder what Bryce Duffy is doing these days?" Bryce is a dude I sort of knew during the 1980's in Victoria, B.C. Now, if Bryce and I had been closer friends back in the days of high school this thought might somehow seem pretty normal. But, the fact is that we weren't close, but only friends in the context of having friends who were friends. That kind of thing. And the vast majority of my memories of the dude revolve around his infatuation with one of the high school girls... In other words, not a lot to base a friendship on! So, here I am thinking this thought, when the omniscient internet makes itself known and I say to myself "hey, why don't I Google that $%&*er!" And low and behold Bryce's new website! Amazing... Pretty nice work too! Apparently, Bryce has become an accomplished photographer. Good on yah, dude. So, from me to you, for some inexplicable reason... The work of Bryce Duffy, old high school acquaintance.

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