Monday, December 25, 2006
Stanley Park Wind Damage
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
New Ralph McQuarrie Book

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Extreme Resolution Photography
After a few years of work I have finally posted some of the gigapixel photography that I have been creating with my business partner and buddy Eric Hanson and I thought it would be a good time to let my friends and colleagues know about it. I used a pan and tilt technique with a motion control head to assemble 350 16 mega pixel images into a single 3.8gigapixel 360 degree spherical panorama of Yosemite as well as some other locations. I then took the image and split it up into over 100,000 256x256 jpg tiles and used the google maps api to point at my tiles instead of googles map tiles. Now anyone can navigate them. Each time you reload the home page you will find one of 5 of our gigapixel images, and more are coming in the next few weeks. One of the photos is taken from the same spot that Ansel Adams shot "Monolith, the Face of Half Dome" on a spot called "the diving board". From this one spot you can see 9 waterfalls, hikers in the valley below, big and little Yosemite valleys and even a rock climber on the face of half dome almost a mile away. There are 7 other images of this resolution on the site and some interesting movies of time-lapse w/ DEM integration that is interesting too.
This is our second attempt at a launch, the first one was last week. Within a few hours of posting it on a few visual effects studios internal mailing lists the response was like an avalanche. We were serving 22 gigabytes an hour and we were using our entire ISPs bandwidth, they basically kicked us off since they could not serve their other customers. We have since found an ISP with a dedicated connection with 60 times the bandwidth and are on our own dedicated server, so we should be up to the task this time around!
I am trying to get the word out about this website, so if you are a digg.comuser or have a blog please click on the digg link from the homepage and add some comments or blog about it if you think it's cool and tell your friends.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Winter Wonderland!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The 2006 Gentleman's Weekend

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thunderbirds sweep the Vikes at Head of the Gorge

As last year’s winners, the UBC varsity men held poll position for this year’s 5km long Head of the Gorge. Last year’s crew was expected to win with a roster that included Olympians Ben Rutledge, Kyle Hamilton and Rob Weitemeyer. This year the T-Bird lineup was totally new, save for veteran Ben Dove as seven athletes and their coxswain were lost to graduation.
"I know that many thought we would be 'rebuilding' this year with such a large turn over, but this group has been quick to gel and they love to race; anything can happen with these guys," says men's coach Mike Pearce.
Happened it did.
The Thunderbirds held off the attack from the Vikes national-team-laden crew in the first half, then pulled away slightly in the second half to win by 6 seconds. The race was a great confidence builder heading into the Canadian University Rowing Championships being held this weekend in St. Catharines Ontario , where the T-Birds will be looking to defend their National title won last year.
The UBC men's eight was coxswain Adrian Lietch, stroke Brandon Campbell, Tim Love, Ben Dove, Adam Cragg, Graham Harris, Kevin Devlin, Daniel Gaisford, bow Chris Zanieski.
Final times 1 UBC 13:11.02, 2 UVic 13:17.77, 3 UVic JV 14:03.79
The varsity women, emboldened with a one, two finish at the Head of the Fraser Fours two weeks ago, were eager to take on the Vikes in the eight.
The Viking women have not lost the Head of the Gorge in at least the last 15 years -perhaps longer. A determined T-Bird crew started to reel in the Vikes early, closing the starting gap of 20 seconds to less than 10 seconds by the Gorge Narrows . Once the crews were through the Tillicum Narrows the Birds knew they had the race on their hands, but the race now was for the finish line. In the final 500m UBC rowed down the Vikes, passing them and opening up a length before crossing the line first and winning by 26 seconds.
As with the men, the race was a great boost going into the National Championships were UBC will look to unseat the Vikes who won the National Championships last year, reclaiming the title won by UBC in 2004.
UBC women's eight was coxswain Melina Iddon, stroke Nathalie Maurer, Melissa Cory, Ava Storey, Jacqueline Thygeson, Tayna Lahdenranta, Aiden Sisler, Paige Jackson, bow Martha Pierce.
Final times: 1 UBC 15:21.67, 2 UVic 15:47.68, 3> Gorge RC 16:14.71
Walshman Note: As far as I know this is both the only time U.B.C. has won back-to-back at the Gorge in the men's event and the first time the women have ever won! What an enormous achievement and I am sure a sign of great things to come from the program that the Walshman calls home!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Aquí Venga El Otoño! Autumn is Here!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Paddy Wagon
If you have a moment, I'd appreciate your help. Please take a look and forward this job on to anyone you think would be interested in the position, or anyone else who could help me find a great candidate.
Thanks for your help! -Paddy
Company: Rainmaker Animation and VFX, London
Job Title: Visual Effects Artists
Description: Rainmaker UK is looking for talented visual effects artists. Any and all specializations are sought - also generalists. Compositors, animators, effects TDs, shader writers, matte painters, lighters etc etc... We are particularly interested in senior artists who wish to get out from under large bureaucratic companies and spread their wings.
Dark Vixen I Love You So!

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Long Live The Black Pepper!

Thursday, September 28, 2006
Damned Cool Spot

Thursday, September 14, 2006
My Stupid New Fancy Television

Sunday, August 13, 2006
Local Boy Makes Good: Neill Blomkamp

When I saw that RES Magazine had finally placed Neill Blomkamp on their "Top Ten Up and Coming" list of graphics artists/directors sometime last year I knew that eventually the chap would break out of the local scene in a major way. Well, directing "Halo" ought to qualify! The news indeed traveled fast around the Vancouver visual effects and post-production scene that Neill had been awarded the directing gig on one of the most hotly awaited films in years (due to the massive success of the video game title). But really, the boy has been on his way for some time now - no surprise given his solo efforts and his more than accomplished professional work for The Embassy Visual Effects. I remember hearing about how he had started his career at Rainmaker VFX right out of high school basically and has been a "natural" with 3D computer graphics from the start. This lead to much accomplished work and word that Neill was a "one-man studio" forging whole projects single-handedly. The fact that very early on he showed a penchant for total project involvement, design and directing, etc. Makes it come as no surprise that he was selected by Peter Jackson (Executive Producer of "Halo") as the perfect new face to embrace this hugely popular title (not to mention the fact that his own work really could be seen as one long extended pitch for this role). As with all films that originate in a video game concept this one has its fair share of nay-sayers already - like this idiot. Why is it that guys like this insist on pissing all over something that they have no idea about. What a moron! I can see it now... "Halo" comes out in 2008 and this jackass will be all over it and saying "Neill Blomkamp is the best thing since sliced bread." Ridiculous - make something, anything, as good as Neill has - then talk the talk. Cudos to Mr. Blomkamp... All the visual effects hounds in Vancouver are watching as one of their own moves on to the true "big time." Now, if it wasn't all being done at WETA...
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Now that's what I can a bike race!

Monday, July 24, 2006
Mainframe Entertainment and Rainmaker Set to Merge

Ah yes... The ole "fake news post." In fact, a favourite past time of mine. Alas, I can't take credit for this barrel of laughs. Although I never reveal my sources, I will say that yes, "the author" has lived in Germany, owned a Ford Explorer, and married a baker. As dreadful a reality as that may seem. And now, the hilarity!
Vancouver Sun Thursday July 20, 2006
Mainframe Entertainment and Rainmaker Set to Merge
Two of Vancouver's film and television studios are set to merge in a move by Rainmaker to consolidate the previous competitors. It is yet unclear what the new entity will be named. Top analysts believe the most likely possibilities to be, Mainmaker, Rainframe, Lamemaker, Moonraker and Jalopy Puddlebum's World of Computery Tricks.
When asked what spurred on the upcoming merger the new CEO of Rainmaker Warren Franklin commented, "We have been growing exponentially in the last couple of years and we really need somewhere to store our bikes and a couple more washrooms. We see the Mainframe facility as an opportunity to fulfill both."
The Mainframe team greets the coming days with excitement and optimism. Rick Mishel, CEO stated on Wednesday in his weekly PodCast, "Hey Buddy! Hey! Where's Johnny Darrell? Johnnyyyyyy! Hey man! He's crazy! Hey Buddy!"
A letter written by Mishel to Franklin also stated, "Hey Buddy! I hope we can manage to keep the Mainframe stock floundering in the lower twenty cent range. Do you know Johnny Darrell? He's crazy! Johnnyyyyyyy! Later Buddy!"
Franklin's only response was, "My god. What have I done?" before pulling a gun out of his bureau drawer and shooting himself in the stomach. The funeral will be held on Sunday at 10:00am at the Sands Funeral Parlor, 3423 Fraser St.
Click here for the real thing.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Lord of Song...

Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her
She tied you
To a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well really, what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light
In every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though
It all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Thursday, July 06, 2006
Mark Norrie: Third Greatest Human

Sunday, July 02, 2006
Vive Le Tour
With all the hooplah surrounding this year's race (the official retirement of Lance Armstrong, the suspension of nine riders including the #1 and #2 contenders Basso and Ullrich, etc.) it is gonna be a wild ride! Stay tuned!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Celebrate With Socks!

Sunday, June 18, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Casa Walsho Springs a Leak!

Here is a picture of what it looked like when I finally got the water stopped. Luckily I was quick enough to just figure that if I got that screw back into whatever it came out of I would be fine. As it turns out that's what saved the day! They had drilled that mounting screw right into the sprinkler supply which is on a completely different water system than the household water. So, even though I turned off the household water, it wouldn't have stopped the gushing had I not got that screw back into the pipe, and it would have been minutes not seconds that the water was rushing down inside my walls and would have most certainly cause a ton of damage. I would have had to call 911 or something to get the sprinkler system shut off!
So much for "not having to do anything" as a result of moving into a new place! Someone told me that "you have to live through one of these incidents to develop empathy for your home." As I fill and sand all the wholes the idiot who mounted the shelf improperly created I tell myself "I am learning to love my home..."
Monday, June 05, 2006
"If Image Engine was a woman..."
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Version Up! Walshman V|6.2.1 Now Available
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Walshman Versus Portman

Saturday, May 06, 2006
Spring In Vangroovey

My buddy James and I had a conversation one time while enjoying a late "summer" day in Los Angeles about how when spring arrives in Vancouver it comes with a "pow!" And really lifts people spirits. Very true, you can just see it in the way people hold themselves, though sometimes I wonder if that's just because of the rains of winter have subsided. Contrast does people a lot of psychological good I think. It is the great characteristic of some places that they do not allow people to become complacent. I think that the weather in Vancouver is one of these forces. Just when you begin to take the long "Indian Summer" for granted the cold north winds of November arrive, and just when January and February's oppressive begins to eat your soul you are magically lifted by the brilliance of "la primavera." Salud!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Walshman Digs In Deep!

Having lived not far from this location for a number of years in the past, I knew I would love it. It is a true "up and coming" area of the city. But, what I didn't truly realise was just how much was going on in the area and the pace of development. Things are really ripping along in East Vancouver these days. Within eye-sight of our new home there are four other townhome developments in the works. It is crazy out there! I am really looking forward to seeing Mateo ripping about John Hendry Park (Trout Lake) and having Commercial Drive's diverse community within walking distance from my front door!
Friday, April 14, 2006
My Lovely Birthday Card!

Thanks so much to my sweet Meg and little gaffer Mateo for putting the time and effort in to create this beautiful birthday card. It is really beginning to feel "right" to be called "Papa!"
Monday, March 27, 2006
Walshman Gets Buddha!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
GKR Coming To Town
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Yo! Walshman, what's the weather like?
But wait! Lo! What is that glimmering golden orb on the horizon? A streak of light emanating from the beyond? Has the end finally come? Are we all to be ushered off the to the Land of Beulah? No, not yet at least. It is just the sun.
I already miss the rain...
Sunday, January 29, 2006
My Son Mateo!

Here's the "birth story." Meg was blessed with a freight train of a labour which began at about 7am, when her waters broke and she immediately went into labour with strong contractions about 3-5 minutes apart. We were into Saint Paul's Hospital by about 8:15am after picking up Meg's mother who we had invited to be along for the ride. By 10am she was already 4cm dilated, and continued with good strong steady rhythm until about noon when she was 8.5 cm. By this time she had spent about half the labour walking, standing the latter half in a nice deep tub which helped immensely. Holding her hand while she experienced the contractions in the tub will be something I will always remember to draw encouragement from when times are tough. She was truly inspirational to me. The midwives then began to try to slow her down a bit, so that the last bit of dilation would go as planned, but before we knew it she was beingtransferredd to the bed so that she could begin to push little Mateo into the world. And what a job she did! I have never witnessed my Megcita be so courageous, without reservation or fear, and full of shear focus as I did on that bed. She literally willed Mateo into the world in 18 minutes! I was full of tears as his head emerged, and before I knew it he was there with us, plopped out onto Meg's chest and we were suddenly three!
Thus far the little big guy has been nothing but a pleasure. I think he thinks he is on holiday or something!? He sleeps and eats happily and he and Mom and I are spending days at home together getting to know each other. As strange as it may seem, now that he is here, I simply can't imagine what we did without him?